

Box Butte General Hospital's 呼吸治疗 Department provides treatment, 监控, evaluation and management of patients with breathing disorders or cardiovascular problems. IM电竞App官网的呼吸治疗师提供的护理类型的简要描述包括氧气的管理, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, management of mechanical ventilators, administering drugs to the lungs, 监控 cardiopulmonary systems and measuring lung function.

Respiratory Therapists treat all types of patients, 从肺部未发育完全的早产儿到患有肺部疾病的老年人. They provide emergency care to patients who are victims of accidents, 心脏病发作, 中风, 冲击, 或溺水, as well as provide temporary relief to patients with chronic asthma or COPD.

Some of the services provided include:

  • 肺功能检查
  • 喷雾器
  • 胸部打击乐
  • 体位引流
  • Instruction in breathing-coughing-lung disease -drug administration
  • 持续气道正压(CPAP)和双水平气道正压(BI-PAP)使用和其他胸部相关受试者
  • 机械通风
  • 氧管理

还记得, 要想让你的肺部远离慢性疾病,最好的方法之一就是永远不要染上吸烟的习惯 ... and if you do smoke, quit!